Survey begins to expand internet access, broadband speed across Tri-County area
Your input needed to develop Technology Action Plan
Marfa, Texas (March 2, 2021) – With the assistance of the Rio Grande Council of Governments (COG), the Tri-County Broadband Alliance has been formed to launch a new initiative to help expand and improve high-speed internet access for all residents of Brewster, Jeff Davis, and Presidio counties, including businesses, schools, healthcare facilities, and community organizations.
“I believe broadband access is a basic right,” said Marfa City Council member Buck Johnston. “From education, to healthcare, to economic stability/growth, the pandemic has shown the great need for broadband in rural communities.”
She added, “High speed access is the backbone to economic growth in our society. Just because we are geographically remote doesn’t mean we don’t have the same economic, educational and health needs and aspirations as those in urban areas.”
The Tri-County Broadband Alliance is working in partnership with Connected Nation Texas (CN Texas), the statewide program of the national nonprofit Connected Nation (CN). The nonprofit has a mission to improve lives by identifying innovative solutions for expanding access, adoption, and use of broadband and its related technologies to all people. The Tri-County Broadband Alliance is leveraging CN’s Connected Community Engagement Programto develop a Technology Action Plan.
As part of this effort, and to ensure a plan that accurately reflects the need across the area, the Tri-County Broadband Alliance is asking every individual, business, and community organizations in the area to take 10 minutes and fill out the short survey for your county:
“Broadband connectivity is essential in order for community members to access tools that help shape our local online presence,” said Conley Rasor, a radio announcer at the Big Bend Radio stations in Alpine. “Online access has opened a new frontier for local businesses, academic institutions, governments and aspiring individuals to explore. With broadband connectivity, our community has the opportunity to share our stories with the world."
The Technology Action Plan will be shaped by the information provided by local stakeholders. The Connected Program has been used in more than 600 communities across the country to develop county or regional-specific Technology Action Plans that have both short term and long-term broadband solutions.
For more information or if you have questions, email info@connectednation.orgor head to
Jessica Denson, Communications Director
Connected Nation
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About Connected Nation Texas: CN Texas is a local division of the national nonprofit Connected Nation. Our mission is to improve lives by providing innovative solutions that expand access to and increase the adoption and use of broadband (high-speed internet) and its related technologies for all people. Everyone belongs in a Connected Nation.
Connected Nation works with consumers, local community leaders, states, technology providers, and foundations to develop and implement technology expansion programs with core competencies centered on a mission to improve digital inclusion for people and places previously underserved or overlooked. For more information, please visit: connectednation.organd follow Connected Nation on Facebookand Twitter.
About the Texas Rural Funders: The mission of the Texas Rural Funders (TRF) is to partner with rural Texans to achieve their vision of prosperity and wellbeing. The group’s strategies recognize and are informed by rural expertise and assets. The TRFC leverages local, philanthropic, state and federal resources to collaborate on projects, support local capacity and leadership, share research, convene stakeholders and engage in advocacy. More information can be found on the TRF webpage at: