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Rep. Four Price on Why Broadband Access is Critical for All

“There is no part of our daily existence that is not impacted in some way [by broadband]…it’s as important to us as it’s ever been.”

Connected Nation Texas recently asked Rep. Four Price (R-Amarillo) and other lawmakers to share their thoughts on why expanding high-speed internet (broadband) to more Texas homes, businesses, and communities is important and explain what action is taking place at the state level to improve connectivity.

Rep. Price joined us via Zoom to share why he believes access to broadband is not only critical for his district in the Texas panhandle but for all families and communities across the US. Watch his interview below.

Four Price

About Rep. Four Price and is district
State Representative Four Price, a fourth generation Texan from Amarillo, has the privilege of advocating for constituents residing in five Texas Panhandle counties – Carson, Hutchinson, Moore, Potter and Sherman. In 2018, Price was re-elected to a fifth term with no opposition in the general election and after winning a contested primary by garnering more than 78% of the district-wide vote and with over 80% voter support in his home county.

In January 2019, Representative Price was appointed to chair the House Calendars Committee, which is responsible for determining which items of proposed legislation are scheduled for debate in the Texas House Chamber. Price was also selected to continue to serve as a member of the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Public Health Committee.

Additionally, Chairman Price was selected to serve on the House Redistricting Committee. He continues to co-chair the Health and Human Services Transition Legislative Oversight Committee. He was recently appointed to serve on the House Select Committee on Mass Violence Prevention and Community Safety.

Learn more about legislation that Rep. Price has supported and read his full biography by heading here.

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