Nearly $15 Million in Broadband Accessibility Grants Announced in Tennessee

Nashville, TN (March 19, 2019) - Gov. Bill Lee (R-TN) released details on $14.8 million in broadband accessibility grants. According to the governor's website, the funds will be used to expand broadband service to "more than 8,300 households and businesses" across the state of Tennessee.
“I am pleased to announce that we are getting our rural areas up to speed and expanding broadband in the areas that need it most,” said Lee. “I am committed to ensuring connectivity in every corner of our state as broadband impacts our goals for health care, education, economic development and beyond.”
According to the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) 2018 Broadband Deployment Report, nearly one in four rural Tennesseans lack adequate access to broadband. The recent grants are in addition to $20 million the governor included in his recommended budget for fiscal year 2020.
The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) is working with the 13 grantees. Officials say the organizations that were chosen demonstrated a high need for grant funding and the ability "to implement and sustain the project long-term with strong community support."
“Broadband is critical to the sustained economic success of a community,” said TNECD Commissioner Bob Rolfe. “By expanding broadband accessibility, we are extending the runway of possibilities for new industry and development right here in Tennessee.”
Connected Nation agrees with Governor Lee and Commissioner Rolfe. Broadband is essential for improving quality of life and sustaining our rural and farming communities across the U.S.
To see the full list of grantees, head to the governor's website by clicking here.