Expanding High-Speed Internet Access to All Ohioans: Input Needed to Include Your Community

This data will be used to identify the areas that lack access to affordable, high-speed internet and to find solutions to expand that access.
“We are laser-focused on identifying exactly where the Digital Divide sits in Ohio and the challenges and solutions to closing it,” said Eric Frederick, VP of Community Affairs, Connected Nation. “Ohio has not released maps that identify broadband availability and speeds since 2017. That’s a huge gap in research, especially when you consider how quickly the technology is evolving. That’s why we invite all Ohioans to visit our website and join the conversation by providing both feedback and input on the state of broadband in your area.”
Since 2008, CN Ohio, a local subsidiary of Connected Nation, has worked to raise awareness and identify ways to expand access to broadband to millions of people across the Buckeye State. These surveys are part of the nonprofit’s new phase in its mapping, technical assistance, and analysis for the state.
Make sure YOUR community’s point-of-view is part of the data. Community leaders and organizations are asked to fill out and share a 10-minute survey with local businesses and residents.
You can print the survey using this pdf and mail it into CN Ohio or find it online at https://www.myconnectedcommunity.org/. Simply choose your county and follow the prompts.
Did you know?
- Nearly 2.4 million Ohio households do not have high-speed internet service or have only one choice of internet provider.
- 300,000 rural Ohio households have no access to broadband.
- Only 76 percent of Appalachian Ohioans have access to broadband speeds as defined by the Federal Communications Commission—25 Mbps download/3 Mbps upload
In addition, reaching full broadband coverage in Ohio would generate an estimated $1 billion to $2 billion, conservatively, and up to $6.6 billion in economic benefits over the next 15 years. In addition, the telehealth cost savings annually per healthcare facility are $27,209.
Media Contact:
Jessica Denson, Director of Communications
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About Connected Nation Ohio (CN Ohio) is the local subsidiary of the national nonprofit, Connected Nation. Our mission is to improve lives by providing innovation solutions that expand access, adoption, and use of high-speed internet and its related technology to all people. Everyone belongs in a Connected Nation.
Connected Nation works with consumers, local community leaders, states, technology providers, and foundations to develop and implement technology expansion programs with core competencies centered on a mission to improve digital inclusion for people and places previously underserved or overlooked. For more information, please visit: connectednation.org and follow Connected Nation on Facebook and Twitter.