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How to improve internet connectivity and speeds across New Mexico and in your community

Santa Fe, New Mexico (October 26, 2021) – New Mexico’s Department of Information Technology recently approved a list of consultants through a competitive bidding process to help local communities and statewide entities tackle the need for expanding internet access and improving speeds—including Connected Nation. 

“We have more than 20 years of experience in the broadband space,” said Chris Pedersen, Executive Vice President, Connected Nation. “In that time, we have empowered more than 650 communities—large and small—with comprehensive assessments and Technology Action Plans to tackle their internet needs. These plans provide a clear path to connecting more residents, businesses, community organizations, schools and libraries, those in the ag industry, and others.”

Because the nonprofit is on the list of approved vendors, leaders that are interested in broadband planning services do not have to go through a lengthy selection process. The state has already finalized a statewide price agreement—saving communities time and money.

With over $1.7 billion in federal funding that could be used in New Mexico toward closing the Digital Divide, the time is now. Connected Nation can provide broadband planning consultation to meet the unique needs of each project which can include but is not limited to: federal funding alignment and strategic guidance on funding opportunities; feasibility assessments; technical planning; more accurate broadband coverage mapping; and developing a community broadband strategic plan.

“We realize that tackling the need for better internet connectivity can be daunting and difficult,” said Pedersen. “We invite community, county, or state leaders to reach out to us to get started. Improving lives through technology is our mission, and it starts with dedicated leaders, reliable data, and a plan.”

Contact Chris Pedersen at 202-255-6098 or

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About Us: Connected Nation is celebrating 20 years of service in 2021. Our mission is to improve lives by providing innovative solutions that expand access to and increase the adoption and use of broadband (high-speed internet) and its related technologies for all people. Everyone belongs in a Connected Nation. For more information, please visit: and follow Connected Nation on Facebook and Twitter.