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VIDEO: Connect K-12 Launches to Help State, District Leaders Improve School Connectivity

Washington, D.C. (November 24, 2020) – Connected Nation recently launched the free resource for school district and state leaders—Connect K-12.  RFD-TV, a broadband group that focuses on rural affairs issues across the country, asked CN to share how the new website can help school districts in rural areas improve their internet connectivity.

“We hope to build on the momentum and commitment that school districts have already made to their network upgrades so they know what’s available to them and they’re fully equipped to support their students,” said Emily Jordan, Vice President, Connect K-12. “So, our site is free, and we report on historical trends with internet fees and the cost of connectivity at the state and national level but also provide current metrics to help leaders seek those best opportunities for the best broadband at their schools.”

This free website, which can be found at, provides internet speed and pricing transparency information to help schools identify broadband solutions and negotiate better deals for services—with the objective of helping schools achieve the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) school bandwidth goal of 1 Mbps per student in every school nationwide

Watch Emily Jordan’s full interview below to learn how you can download your school district’s latest information, how the resource can empower leaders during the pandemic, and how your area stacks up against national trends.