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Use Your Internet Connection to Take Care of Yourself This Month

Bowling Green, KY (August 26, 2021) - August is National Wellness Month — a time to focus on self-care, managing stress, and developing healthy routines. We’re all facing a slew of stressors this time of the year: kids’ school routines are changing; seasonal changes mean decreasing sunlight that can trigger changes in dopamine and serotonin (two chemicals that have been shown to affect our moods); and you can take your pick of troublesome stories in the news. We’re bombarded by all sorts of stressors, so National Wellness Month is a reminder to take a moment and indulge in a little self-care. And nowadays, when time is at a premium and health concerns may limit our ability (or desire) to go out in public like we used to, the internet can bring many of these services into our homes.

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The apps dedicated to self-care and wellness are too numerous to list, but a range of activities that you can seek out online can have a positive impact on your health.

  • Pick a hobby, any hobby! – Research shows that activities like listening to music or spending time on a hobby can help manage stress. If you have a hobby (or are interested in learning a new one), chances are there is an online community dedicated to it. Whether it’s something artistic, finding a new trail to hike, or talking about the goofy things our dogs are doing, there’s going to be an online community or class for you to join.
  • Find an app that helps you make positive changes in your routine – There are apps dedicated to helping you remember to drink more water, to get up and move more frequently, or that make it easier to monitor and respond to chronic health issues. Even little changes can make a big difference, and using these apps can be just the boost you need!
  • Telehealth lets you reach out when you need help – When you feel like the stress is overwhelming and you’re at the end of your rope, counseling and other mental health services are now available via online apps. Teleconference services have been shown to be a useful tool for those suffering from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Even if you live in a rural area where counseling services are limited, telehealth mental health services are available if you have an internet or mobile connection.

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If you’re still not sure how you want to improve your health this month, has daily challenges to help get you started in taking small steps toward impacting your health in positive ways. You can also share your new healthier lifestyle using these hashtags: #wellnessmonth #wellfie #ichoosewellness  

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About the Author: Chris McGovern is the Director of Research Development for Connected Nation. Chris works with Connected Nation staff and external stakeholders to develop research deliverables and provide critical analysis. He uses qualitative and quantitative techniques to interpret data, formulate reports, and make substantiated recommendations based on research findings.