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USDA Harvests Input on Rural Broadband Spectrum Priorities

Published by Broadcasting Cable on April 2nd, 2019

By John Eggerton

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is collecting comment on what is the best spectrum management policy to get broadband to more rural areas, which is an avowed priority of the Trump Administration.

In its comments, the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA) said it is all for a "rural first" approach to spectrum, which it calls quickest, most cost-effective way to get high-speed broadband to farmers, who can use it to help monitor and manage their crops.

That, in turn, will help them "increase crop yields, cost efficiencies, and environmental sustainability through the precise application of seed, water, fertilizers, and pesticides and the efficient use of fuel," the GPS Innovation Alliance (GPSIA) told USDA this week in its comments. GPS is also used for wearables to help track the health and whereabouts of livestock).

Read the original article here