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The Three Pillars of Rural Broadband Access

Washington, DC — Connected Nation board members joined together to discuss the progress made and challenges ahead for rural broadband (high-speed internet) expansion across the country.

Broadband (high-speed internet) can connect people and communities to resources to help improve their overall quality of life. RFD-TV sat down with Board Member, John Davies to talk about the three pillars of why broadband access is so important.

“The three main pillars of broadband are employment, education and health care,” he said. “Those three things all come together, and it’s absolutely critical to have access to the internet, it enables everyone to be connected and lets people have greater opportunities to better their lives.”

Connected Nation provides the tools, resources and methods that help states and communities create and implement solutions to their broadband and digital technology gaps. They use data, outreach, mapping and other practices to identify what those community needs are.

“You can apply some of these practices to what the local needs are by understanding the local needs,” Davies said. “And Connected Nation has done very well at that by literally understanding a specific community’s needs and bringing the best practices to those places.”

Watch the full interview to learn how connecting more people to broadband internet will improve employment, education and health care development across the country.