Texas Broadband Development Office Seeks Feedback from Far West Texas Communities for Development of Digital Opportunity Plan
Press release published by the Texas Broadband Development Office
Broadband Development Office Invites Community Members to Public Meetings in El Paso, Alpine
FAR WEST TEXAS (July 31, 2023)— The Texas Broadband Development Office (BDO) is asking the public to attend a meeting regarding internet accessibility, affordability, and usage. The BDO, administered by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, will accept feedback from this meeting to help develop the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan, which is required to draw down federal funding for connecting Texans to reliable, high-speed internet. The BDO expects to complete the plan this fall.
The BDO will be hosting two meetings in the Upper Rio Grande Region in August. The first public meeting will be held on Monday, August 7, from 5-7 pm Mountain time, at the El Paso Community Foundation Room, 333 N. Oregon Street, El Paso.
The public is encouraged to register for the El Paso public meeting at https://bit.ly/3DmG7MS.
“This is important for all of us in El Paso to have our voices heard,” said Eric Pearson, President/CEO of the El Paso Community Foundation. “The plan will help our region tap into our share of billions of dollars.”
The second public meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 8 from 5-7 pm Central time, at the Alpine Civic Center, 801 West Holland Avenue, Alpine.
The public is encouraged to register for the Alpine public meeting at https://bit.ly/3rF8bIp
“Presidio and Far West Texas have always been isolated from the rest of the world,” said Arian Velazquez-Ornelas, Presidio City Councilwoman and Mayor Pro-Tem. “By providing affordable broadband for education, workforce needs, healthcare access, business growth, and family entertainment we can become a better place to live for all. Our voices can be heard by participating in these meetings and by completing the surveys to have our needs met. ‘Juntos Podemos con Todo!’”
Area residents, business owners, and representatives from faith-based, non-profit organizations, local schools and hospitals, those in agriculture and local industry, and others are all welcome to attend and provide input for the plan.
The August 7th and 8th events are two of 24 public meetings taking place across Texas,