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Texas Broadband Development Office Seeks Feedback from Communities for Development of Digital Opportunity Plan Mertzon, Texas

Broadband Development Office Invites Community Members to Public Meeting

Mertzon, Texas (August 7, 2023) — The Texas Broadband Development Office (BDO) is asking the public to attend a meeting regarding internet accessibility, affordability, and usage. The BDO, administered by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, will accept feedback from this meeting to help develop the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan, which is required to draw down federal funding for connecting Texans to reliable, high-speed internet. The BDO expects to complete the plan this fall.

The public meeting will be held on August 15, from 5-7pm, at the Irion County Community Center, 110 W. Duncan in Mertzon.

The public is encouraged to register for the event at:

“We hope everyone in our rural region will attend this meeting in Mertzon and exchange information with the Broadband Development Office concerning broadband access and development in our area. This is our chance to articulate the problems with internet service in our region and what solutions we would favor in terms of access and affordability.  There will be a lot of money distributed by the state to address broadband access in rural areas, so it’s to our benefit to communicate our ideas on how and where the money should be spent,” said Irion County Judge Molly Criner.