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Telemedicine Stands to Offer New Horizons to the Healthcare Solutions Landscape

The following was published by Medical Product Outsourcing (MPO)
by Saipriya Iyer, Global Market Insights

Telemedicine 300x185Technology has lately been transforming the face of healthcare with each milestone invention. Telemedicine, a term often used interchangeably with telehealth and connected health, has been one of the most revolutionizing aspects in healthcare as of late, though the idea of contacting a healthcare professional over the telephone appeared in medical literature as far back as when Alexander Graham Bell first invented the telephone.

The surge of smart technology, however, has added an unexpected dimension to the idea of telemedicine that has advanced with the ubiquitous access to video chatting that has been made smoother by high-speed internet, affordable smartphones, and standardized phone operating systems. Secure cloud storage, interoperable electronic health records, and wearable health trackers have further encouraged users to take advantage of the offerings of telemedicine. With the pervasive presence of smartphones, the growth of the telemedicine market has found massive impetus, with the industry valuation projected to surpass $130 billion by 2025. Besides the advent of technology, other factors like an expanding elderly population, a need to extend expert medical services to remote locations, and a need for more psychiatrists are among the leading drivers responsible for the rising popularity of telemedicine.

The aging population has emerged as one of the chief beneficiaries of the rise of telemedicine. The healthcare system perpetually running short on doctors and nurses can improve care coordination and management with an increased focus on telemedicine. A report by WHO predicts the population of people aged 60 years or older will grow to two billion by 2050. Amid this scenario, there seems to be no better time than the present for the telehealth sector to establish a firm footing that can make it capable of serving the present and future generations of the elderly. It is especially beneficial for the geriatric populace to take advantage of telemedicine, as many of them suffer from chronic disorders and have to visit a medical practitioner more often than most. But for them, the waiting tim e at a hospital or healthcare facility can prove to be grueling, and many are so far incapacitated that they are not physically capable of visiting a doctor.

Telemedicine or telehealth has also changed the way people are aging. Not only are older people living longer, but they are also growing more conscious about their health and living more active lives at a more advanced age, leading to change in the traditional approach toward healthcare management. The innovative new approaches include telehealth platforms and mobile health devices designed specifically for senior patients as well as programs designed to improve outcomes at long-term care and senior living facilities.

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