Solutions: Workforce - Create Teleworking Jobs
Create Local Jobs via Training and Teleworking Opportunities
GOAL: Create jobs by connecting technology training and education with remote employment opportunities.
DESCRIPTION: Connected Nation's Digital Works program is a hybrid between an employment agency and a co-working facility that connects residents with online training courses and provides connections with companies that lack a physical presence in the community. The Digital Works program creates jobs in areas facing high unemployment by leveraging broadband technology for call center and IT outsourcing. Extended training is available for HTML programming and other technical positions as well. The program is providing an avenue for communities to create a job incubator, retaining workers in the area and attracting corporate jobs while providing a pathway for improving a worker’s competitive advantage in the twenty-first century workforce with specified coursework and training.
At the end of training, workers are placed in available positions that match their skills and interests. All jobs pay above minimum wage and the training provides opportunities for placement at levels for upward mobility. This is work that can be done from home or at the Digital Works center, which is provided through a partnership with the community.
The Digital Works program requires a site suitable for establishing office infrastructure, educational partners to develop the workforce, and business relationships with enterprises willing to hire workers through the program.
Identify the physical, financial, and technology resources needed to establish a Digital Works center. The physical infrastructure and training exposes a broad spectrum of residents to the benefits of telecommunications and productive uses of the Internet.
Space to house workspace and training and support offices will be needed, as well as the equipment, such as computers and monitors for videoconferencing and training. Through training and work, participants will rely heavily on local ISPs, broadband technology, and emerging IT technologies to provide services to a global marketplace, in turn fostering the demand-driven strengthening of the community’s physical Internet infrastructure.
Develop partnerships with companies who would provide contractual employment to program graduates.
Businesses; Business/Community organizations, (e.g., chambers of commerce, economic development corporations, associations, etc.); Social service organizations; Community colleges
Program information available at:
Building a Telework Program:
Teleworking Brings Jobs Home:
Job Opportunities vita Digital Works Come to Cheboygan, MI:
Technology Creates New Paradigm for Economic Development: