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Solutions: Inclusion - Digital Equity Initiative

Launch a Digital Equity Initiative

GOAL: This initiative provides a foundation for overcoming the barriers to broadband adoption via outreach, awareness; access to affordable broadband services and devices and digital skills training.

DESCRIPTION: This initiative will help to sustain in-depth discussions around the adoption issue in the community by bringing together public-private partners.

With the data gathered through this technology planning process, leaders will be able to focus on specific studies and solutions that will have the most positive impact on the community.

There are several tasks the digital equity initiative can undertake depending on the needs identified in the community. Each task has its own implementation profile, but include: developing a community-based technology awareness program, promoting low-cost broadband service offerings; facilitating digital literacy training; making available low-cost devices; and identifying and expanding wireless hotspots in the community.


Create a digital inclusion taskforce composed of public and private stakeholders. The digital equality initiative will seek programming that address the digital divide for groups without an Internet connection at home.

The taskforce will use this plan to create a vision for advancing broadband adoption and assign responsibilities.

The taskforce will oversee the implementation of projects that will advance the adoption of broadband technologies for all residents.

After implementation the taskforce will show results and shift plans in accordance with technology changes.

Economic development, new jobs, and an improved quality of life will be achieved when a community experiences increased usage of computers and the Internet; improved basic computer skills, increased use of technology in day-to-day operations of a community, and increased access to economic opportunities.


Non-profit organizations focused on technology; Libraries and schools; Public computer centers; Local governments; Private sector; Broadband providers; Local financial institutions and foundations


Partners Bridging the Digital Divide helps communities establish robust digital inclusion programs:

Dept. of Commerce guide to broadband adoption programming: