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Solutions: Agriculture - Farmer's Network

Develop a Farmer’s Network

GOAL: Create a portal to keep the agricultural community connected and to facilitate advanced information sharing, news, and marketing of products.

DESCRIPTION: Create a local agricultural portal to connect farmers with buyers and agricultural technical experts such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), researchers, university and extension offices, state department of agriculture, the state or national Farm Bureau.

This portal will enable local farmers to share the latest techniques in farming such as using technology tools and data to make decisions. Tools can include GPS, yield monitors, variable rate technology, and remote sensing. Farmers can also share successful ideas in maximizing production and reducing costs.

A local agricultural portal could be used to provide online “booth space” for growers, producers, and artisans selling directly to the consumer and set up much like an open-air farmers market.

This online farmers market could be a feature in the local agricultural portal or a Main Street Portal. Either way, an online farmers market should be feature-rich, enabling virtual farm tours, discussion forums, video and image galleries, and real-time ordering and payment.


Identify an appropriate host for the agricultural portal.

Some of the major requirements of the portal include a good content management system, simple yet flexible interface, and interactive tools.

The community portal should be continually updated to reflect the agricultural community’s needs and technology expertise.


Local agriculture operations and producers; State and county agriculture agencies; Local Farm Bureau representatives; University extension agents; Agriculture market representatives; Web development and IT professionals



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