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Report Shows Mobile Broadband Use is Higher Among Hispanics

(May 23, 2011) - According to a report released last week by The Hispanic Institute, Hispanic Americans are increasingly investing in mobile broadband technology as a tool for communication, education, and social action. This echoes our previous research indicating that mobile broadband adoption is growing faster than “fixed” broadband adoption among Hispanic Americans; in fact,
9% of Hispanic adults living in states and territories served by Connected Nation subscribe to mobile broadband while eschewing home broadband service.

What are the main factors that lead some people to rely on mobile broadband as their only access to the Internet? Among Hispanic adults who access mobile broadband but don’t subscribe to home broadband, the lack of a home computer is the top barrier to home broadband adoption.

Expense is another top barrier to home broadband adoption. Hispanic adults surveyed by Connected Nation reported an average monthly broadband cost of $41.87 and an annual median household income of $29,230. If you do the math, this means that among Hispanic adults, the cost of a broadband subscription represents nearly 2% of the median annual household income, a higher percentage than any other ethnic group surveyed by Connected Nation. This suggests that the digital divide for Hispanic Americans will persist unless an effort is made not only to help overcome cost barriers, but also to show the advantages that home broadband service offers that cannot be accessed via a smartphone.

Stay tuned as Connected Nation continues to explore the growth of mobile broadband adoption.

By Travis Lane, Research Analyst for Connected Nation