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Project Patriot Hope: Connected Nation gives back

Fort Campbell, Kentucky (January 11, 2023) - Connected Nation organizes fundraising events annually during the holiday season.  This year the team selected the Fort Campbell area non-profit organization YAIPak (You Are Important) Outreach as the recipient.  

Project Patriot Hope Fundraiser

The funds raised were used to purchase items needed for the #ProjectPatriotHope initiative that supports unhoused veterans as they transition into a home.

Between individual donations and a generous Connected Nation match, $1.000 was raised this year. The funds raised provided 20 cookware sets and 10 bedding sheet sets which will be distributed to transitioning veterans along with other important household basics.

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Connected Nation employees are located across the country so an event like this brings everyone together to support a worthy cause. We wish the veterans well in their new homes and we are grateful to play a small part in their journey!

YAIPAK helps veterans year-round. To donate or learn more head to