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New to Military Life: How Digital Works is Helping One Young Couple

Bowling Green, KY. (October 9, 2018) – Being a newlywed can be tough, especially if your spouse is states away training for the military. This was the case for Jaelyn Smith.

“I needed a job that was transferable so I would be able to work anywhere,” said Smith. “This is what led me to Digital Works.”

Connected Nation recently launched a version of their online training program Digital Works in Fort Knox, Kentucky. This program focuses on helping military spouses and veterans with digital job skills, customer service, and finding remote jobs.

Smith was part of the first class at the Fort Knox-area location. She said she has enjoyed her time learning about computer programing as she works to shift her career in that direction.

“If you ever come across Digital Works, go for it,” she said. “It is just amazing, and I am learning a lot of new stuff every day.”

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