New Census data show broadband adoption is growing

Washington, DC (March 17, 2022) – Today, the United States Census Bureau released its American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates for 2016-2020, showing an increase in fixed broadband adoption.
Nationally, internet and fixed broadband adoption both grew slightly from 2015-2019 estimates. These new data show 70.3% of American households subscribing to fixed broadband such as cable, fiber optic, or DSL. This is up from the 2015-2019 estimate when 68.9% of households subscribed to these internet platforms.
New Hampshire continues to lead states and territories with 79.9% of households subscribing to fixed broadband service, while Puerto Rico has the lowest rate of fixed broadband adoption at 35.7% of households.
Historically, Connected Nation has relied on ACS 1-year estimates to track home internet adoption across the country. In 2020, though, due to factors including COVID-19 and its impact on data collection, the United States Census did not release its 2020 1-year estimate data as it had in previous years, shifting instead to experimental data tables which the census says are not comparable to prior 1-year estimates.
If you are interested in learning more about the ACS 2016-2020 5-year estimates, you can click on the link HERE.