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Lack of Broadband Access Threatens Rural Manufacturers Ability to Compete

Published by MiBiz

By: Jessica Young

Lansing, MI. (January 20, 2019) - As Larry Lewis advanced in his career as an engineer in the manufacturing, construction and telecommunications industries, he relied on computers as an essential tool for his everyday work.

His aptitude grew alongside the technology, to which he was first exposed at Dartmouth College in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Then, in 2004, Lewis moved to Lake County, about 70 miles north of Grand Rapids, and detected a bug.

“I got here and I didn’t have access to the internet. We had dial-up and no one was providing any service at all,” Lewis told MiBiz. “We had hot spots, and you’d go to the library and the download speed is so slow that it takes hours. I spent 12 hours doing an update on my machine — 12 hours doing an update. We have suffered here for a very, very long time.”

Read the original article here