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How Digital Works Is Helping Those Who've Served

Bowling Green, KY. (October 16, 2018) - Amador Garcia is a retired veteran who was looking for a career change.

“When I moved to Kentucky to be close to my grandkids, I decided I needed to get my education going," said Garcia. That's what led him to Digital Works.

Digital Works is a workforce development program that provides employer-specific training for teleworkers. Classes are now being held in the Fort Knox area, and it’s already proving to be effective for veterans and military spouses.

“The first day I visited the Kentucky Career Center, I was introduced to Digital Works. Right then, I knew it was perfect for me,” he said. “I thought how nice it would be to have a job where I could work from home and that was flexible with my family time.”

Garcia is now part of the first class at the Elizabethtown location. He plans to work in IT after he graduates.

To bring Digital Works to your community or to find details on our latest classes, head to