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How Digital Works Helps Military Spouses

Bowling Green, KY. (November 26, 2018) - Moving from place-to-place while trying to keep a steady job can be hard. This is the reality for Adriana Honsinger. As a military spouse, Honsinger has accompanied her husband on moves overseas and to the East Coast to report to new military stations. It's made it difficult for her to keep and steady job, which is why she turned to Digital Works.

“You have to learn how to adapt to your situation, and be open to learning new skills and trades," said Honsinger. "That's why I chose Digital Works."

Digital Works connects people to leading-edge customer support and IT jobs for global corporations by providing training, mentorship, and job-placement assistance, as well as the opportunity for advanced careers.

“I know this is something I could travel with, especially if my spouse is away during the month,” she said.

Honsinger was part of the first class located at our new Fort Knox facility, and she is excited to see what her future holds.

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