Higher Education: Why Getting a Degree Now Requires Internet Access
Bowling Green, KY. (October 17, 2018) – The internet has changed the way we live our everyday lives. It helps us stay in contact with loved ones, find jobs, go shopping, and get our daily news. One thing it has changed tremendously is how students approach getting a college education.
College students rely on the use of internet access and technology to succeed in their classes. According to Pew Research Center study on college students and technology, “95% of undergraduate and 93% of graduate students relies on home broadband to complete their work.”
It is now a necessity to have internet access if you want to pass your classes. As a college undergraduate myself, I know from personal experience if you want to put your best foot forward, access to the internet is crucial.
I use the internet in school for multiple reasons: completing homework, conducting research, registering and paying for classes, ordering required materials,
College students rely on the use of internet access and technology to succeed in their classes
taking quizzes, writing discussion boards, and much more. Without access, I would not be able to do any of these things.
We need to end the “Digital Divide” so that all students can succeed. I’m not the only college student who understands this. I asked others what they thought. Here’s what they told me:
Morgan Roberts is a senior at Western Kentucky University studying interdisciplinary early childhood education. “I have almost all online classes, so the only way I can access those is through the internet,” said Roberts. “For classes in-person, I still submit most of my assignments online, thus making it important to always have access.”
Lily Kunzie is a senior at the University of Central Florida studying hospitality management. She stated, “High-speed internet is important for me because when taking timed quizzes and exams, a slow internet connection can result in losing the valuable time I am allotted.”
Emily Griffith is a senior at Western Kentucky University studying marketing. “Without access to the internet, I would not be able to check my grades, complete my assignments, or research information for my courses,” said Griffith. “The internet is a necessity for all college students.”
The use of technology is only going to expand with time. Colleges are adopting more online course work every day, making it important for all students to access broadband.
So what can you do to help bridge this divide between those who have internet access and those who do not? You can help students achieve success in their classes.
Just click here to help support Connected Nation in the fight to close the Digital Divide.
About the Author: Lily provides support to the Communications Department through social media outreach and writing. She also adds a source of creativity to the team with a background in personal relations and marketing. Lily is pursuing a bachelors in corporate and organizational communications from Western Kentucky University.
Link to Pew Research Center - http://www.pewinternet.org/2011/07/19/college-students-and-technology/
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College students rely on the use of internet access and technology to succeed in their classes. According to Pew Research Center study on college students and technology, “95% of undergraduate and 93% of graduate students relies on home broadband to complete their work.”
It is now a necessity to have internet access if you want to pass your classes. As a college undergraduate myself, I know from personal experience if you want to put your best foot forward, access to the internet is crucial.
I use the internet in school for multiple reasons: completing homework, conducting research, registering and paying for classes, ordering required materials,

taking quizzes, writing discussion boards, and much more. Without access, I would not be able to do any of these things.
We need to end the “Digital Divide” so that all students can succeed. I’m not the only college student who understands this. I asked others what they thought. Here’s what they told me:
Morgan Roberts is a senior at Western Kentucky University studying interdisciplinary early childhood education. “I have almost all online classes, so the only way I can access those is through the internet,” said Roberts. “For classes in-person, I still submit most of my assignments online, thus making it important to always have access.”
Lily Kunzie is a senior at the University of Central Florida studying hospitality management. She stated, “High-speed internet is important for me because when taking timed quizzes and exams, a slow internet connection can result in losing the valuable time I am allotted.”
Emily Griffith is a senior at Western Kentucky University studying marketing. “Without access to the internet, I would not be able to check my grades, complete my assignments, or research information for my courses,” said Griffith. “The internet is a necessity for all college students.”
The use of technology is only going to expand with time. Colleges are adopting more online course work every day, making it important for all students to access broadband.
So what can you do to help bridge this divide between those who have internet access and those who do not? You can help students achieve success in their classes.
Just click here to help support Connected Nation in the fight to close the Digital Divide.

Link to Pew Research Center - http://www.pewinternet.org/2011/07/19/college-students-and-technology/
Other Digital Inclusion Blogs
The Role of Better Broadband Mapping
How Digital Inclusion can Fight Extreme Poverty
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