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Harrison County, OH

Harrison County, Ohio now has an action plan to make way for greater technology use across the community and pave the way for a brighter economic future. The Technology Action Plan was unveiled Tuesday at the Puskarich Public Library as part of Harrison County’s participation in the Connected Community Engagement Program through Connect Ohio. Six Ohio communities are currently involved in some stage of the Connected program, but Harrison County is the state’s first to unveil its official Technology Action Plan and be presented with a detailed action plan for the future.

“Receiving this Connected community Technology Action Plan is a huge step in the right direction for the future of Harrison County,” said Sandi Thompson, Puskarich Public Library director. “This plan outlines how we will take specific steps to ensure our community is supporting our current residents and businesses by making sure there is access to the global economy and all the educational, health, government, and other countless benefits that quality high-speed Internet allows.”

Participating in the Connected program means Harrison County has gone through an extensive assessment of its overall broadband and technology innovation. The Technology Action Plan sets general community-wide broadband connectivity requirements to be worked towards that will support economic development and residential quality of life. Harrison County’s top goals from the new plan are to expand broadband availability to unserved homes near Tappan Lake as well as increasing online governmental services.

“This Connected Technology Action Plan is a big key to success for both the present and the future of Harrison County,” said Connect Ohio Executive Director Stu Johnson. “As the first Ohio community to receive a plan through the Connected initiative, Harrison County is the first of many Ohio communities that are ready to go to work on utilizing broadband and technology as key drivers for a prosperous future. A Technology Action Plan means this community is serious about making sure it’s ready to benefit from all the economic and lifestyle opportunities that the digital age provides.”

Agile Networks announced plans to expand high-speed Internet access to unserved in Harrison County. The expansion will be extremely impactful for these once hard to reach regions of Harrison County, providing residents with options to service providers.

The new plan gives the community step-by-step action items to make sure that goal is met. The plan will also support growing digital literacy through future broadband expansion and programs that will ensure the community maintains widespread Internet access, adoption, and use. Residents are encouraged to get involved by joining their local Connected technology team and using the free Every Citizen Online program offered by Connect Ohio to get training in computer and Internet skills which makes them eligible for discounted computers and home Internet service.