Fighting Broadband Barriers With Data
We all want to fight the barriers to broadband adoption and create communities that are more digitally inclusive.
It’s understood that the barriers to adoption include affordability, relevance and awareness, digital literacy, and the age or inoperability of devices.
How can we work smarter toward addressing these barriers in our communities?
Connected Nation has found the answer to be research and data.
Connected Nation has more than 10 years’ experience researching technology access and use in communities and creating action plans for communities to further advance their digital standing. By assessing and identifying who is facing technology barriers and to what degree, communities can learn exactly where they stand on the technology spectrum, why they are at that standing, and then, how to improve that standing and make their community innovative and engaging to the U.S. and the world.
In the following presentation, Eric Frederick, VP of Community Affairs for Connected Nation, explains why digging deep into the data is imperative for moving communities successfully forward, details of what this deep data dive can look like, and suggestions for improving communities’ digital standing in today’s digital world.
This was presented at the State Broadband Leaders gathering in Washington D.C. in April, 2016.