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Connected Nation Texas Broadband Solutions Manager joins the panel “Rural Broadband and What it Means to You”

Abilene, TX (February 24, 2022) - Connected Nation Texas Broadband Solutions Manager, Sierra Sees, joined State Rep. Stan Lambert, Paul Beale from Taylor Telecom, and Terra New from West Central Texas COG on the "Rural Broadband and What it Means to You" panel at the Abilene Chamber of Commerce Farm Ranch and Wildlife Expo on Wednesday, February 23rd.

“It’s always a treat to be in Abilene and join community leaders to discuss important topics such as broadband infrastructure, funding, and policy," said Sees. "It was great to hear insights and updates from Representative Stan Lambert, Paul Beale, and Terra New about their ongoing efforts in the community.”

Lauren Echols Decker from the Rolling Plains Cotton Growers helped lead/moderate the discussion. It was a super cold day in West Texas with ice and sleet covering the ground, but community stakeholders turned out and had a great conversation about broadband.

Check out photo's from the event below!