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Community Anchor Institution Newsletter--March 2011

Download the Connected Texas CAI Newsletter—March 2011

We need your participation in our CAI survey to provide data for our map! In addition, please forward this newsletter to others in your community who would be interested in participating in this survey. Take the survey here.

Newsletter highlights:

Profile: WeCAN Houston Library
The city of Houston is making great strides to ensure that all Houstonians have access to meaningful connectivity despite their income level, through a program called WeCAN (Wireless Empowered Commu¬nity Access Network). Read more about it here.

Texas Broadband Map
As the broadband mapping agent for the state, Connected Texas has contributed the data of more than 187 broadband service providers and 15,842 community anchor institutions to the National Broadband Map released in February. Read more about it here.

On the Federal Front

On February 17, 2011, the U.S. Department of Com¬merce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released an interactive National Broadband Map. Learn more about Connected Texas’ involvement here.
