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Cherokee County Honored by Governor

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Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds were in Cherokee Tuesday afternoon.

The Governor declared the City of Cherokee and Cherokee County to be the 18th connected community in his Connected Community Engagement program.

That initiative is aimed at getting high-speed Internet connections installed and available to everyone in the state.

"Farmers to be able to use this technology so that their tractors and combines can communicate with suppliers and things like that. Entrepreneurs and small business be able to locate in small communities and have the same opportunities that are available for high speed connection that we have in the larger cities," Gov. Branstad said.

Tuesday afternoon's event also recognized Cherokee County for being named a "Skilled Iowa County" by the Iowa Workforce Development program.

This announcement came as the state announced unemployment in Iowa is down to 4%, 1.5% lower than the national level.

The designation is supposed to help attract businesses to the county.

"Well I think it's really important to let business and industry, not only the existing business and industry, but as we are trying to encourage new companies to locate in your area. To make sure that you can say not only do we have a low cost of doing business, our location is great but we also have the skilled workforce ready to meet the need," Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds said.