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$91 Million in USDA Rural Broadband Funding Awarded in 12 States

By: Carl Weinschenk, The Telecompetitor

(November 13, 2018) -

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing $91 million in e-Connectivity initiatives in 12 states. The USDA rural broadband funding will go toward networks in Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah and Virginia, and is expected to help 27,000 business and households.

“In the modern economy, rural broadband is a lifeline to quality of life and economic opportunity,” Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett said in a press release. “With that impact, USDA is fiercely committed under the leadership of Agriculture Secretary Perdue on expanding access to e-Connectivity in rural America.”

The press release provided some examples of the projects in which investments will be made:

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