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Connecting Michigan Communities: What Should Communities Be Doing Now?

Bowling Green, KY (June 10, 2021) - Access to broadband (high-speed internet) is more important now than ever, especially in Michigan. That’s why Connected Nation Michigan (CN Michigan) is hosting a series of webinars called “Connecting Michigan Communities” to highlight critical broadband needs and technology-related topics. 

The CN Michigan team held their twelfth webinar on Tuesday, June 8th at 11:00am ET. They focused on what communities can and should be doing right now to help close the Digital Divide in Michigan. During this roundtable Wes Kerr, Director of Community Solutions for Connected Nation was joined by Tom Stephenson, Broadband Solutions Manager, Connected Nation, and Dan Manning, Broadband Solutions Advisor, Connected Nation. 

"Local leadership will always be a great need for rural communities," said Manning. "Being able to identify someone who champions broadband needs is very important and we recommend that every community has a local champion who can do just that. Leadership is the groundwork of lasting relationships in the broadband space." 

"Having a task force for these communities is also a must," said Kerr. "They should look at all of the needs for the community and make the appropriate changes to what is already being done to expand broadband." 

To learn more about what your community should be doing now, watch the full webinar video below.