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Oceana County Michigan


The Oceana County, MI Broadband Team has completed its community technology assessment. The results of the assessment can be found by clicking the symbol for the sections below. Here you can find survey results, infrastructure assessments, and recommended actions the community can implement to improve the broadband and technology ecosystem at a local level.



Connected Survey Results

Connected Infrastructure in Oceana County, Michigan

Broadband access refers to the infrastructure that enables a high-speed internet connection. There are two primary types of broadband connections: fixed and mobile.

Fixed broadband is delivered to a user via several technology platforms including cable, digital subscriber line (DSL) over phone lines, fiber optics, and fixed wireless. Fixed broadband is designed for stationary use at a fixed location such as a home, business, or institution. From one location, however, fixed broadband service is often broadcast as a Wi-Fi network to connect nearby devices.

The following map shows where broadband is available in the community.

Recommended Actions


All community stakeholders, local governing bodies, agencies, utilities, etc. should continue to meet and identify all of the local policies, regulations, and permits required of a telecommunications provider. These disparate elements should be organized into a set of requirements, and a website established with all necessary forms available electronically and capable to be electronically signed. As a continuing commitment to this process, the local governing body/s should seek to pass language that requires the agreed-upon times for responses to provider outreach, permit approval times, and supports the Single Point of Contact (SPOC).


Maintain a framework through which the community can maintain their status as a “Digital Ready Community” with streamlined policies, cleared barriers, and a commitment to making broadband infrastructure deployment in the community a priority. Benefits: 1. Provides the community with the opportunity to identify their requirements and make it easier for the community to assist and work with a provider who seeks to expand services. 2. Gives providers a centralized location to identify necessary regulations, and the opportunity to work with a local jurisdiction to address those regulations in an effective manner. 3. Through the Community Broadband POC, a liaison is established through whom providers and the community can more easily work with one another, and cuts down on the opportunity for poor communication.


  1. Continue to support meetings of involved parties with a request that any needs/concerns they have related to broadband be brought to these meetings.
  2. Work to pass the necessary language in the governing bodies to amend any necessary regulations or policies, as well as authorizing the SPOC according to local law.
  3. Publish the list of requirements along with the necessary electronic documentation as well as the contact information for the SPOC.
  4. Promote the Digital Ready Community site and SPOC.

Responsible Parties

Local government, utilities, planning commissions, zoning boards, other right-of-way managers, etc


Model Ordinances/Resolutions from various states:

MN Telecommuter Forward:

Tennessee Broadband Ready:

Georgia Broadband Ready:


A local agricultural portal will connect farmers with buyers and agricultural technical experts such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), researchers, university and extension offices, state department of agriculture, the state or national Farm Bureau. It will also enable local farmers to share the latest techniques in farming as well as successful ideas in maximizing production and reducing costs. A local agricultural portal could also provide online “booth space” for growers, producers, and artisans selling directly to the consumer and set up much like an open-air farmers market.


Create a portal to keep the agricultural community connected and to facilitate advanced information sharing, news, and marketing of products.


  1. Identify an appropriate host for the agricultural portal. The portal should include a good content management system, simple yet flexible interface, and interactive tools.
  2. Identify farmers and other agricultural producers to measure and increase interest in online sales, informing them of the potential benefits of selling directly to consumers.
  3. Promote the portal through local, state, and national media markets.
  4. Ensure that the portal is continually updated to reflect the agricultural community’s needs and technology expertise.

Responsible Parties

Local agriculture operations and producers; State and county agriculture agencies; Local Farm Bureau representatives; University extension agents; Agriculture market representatives; Web development and IT professionals




Just as it’s important to have a quality broadband connection, it’s important to understand what makes a good connection, meets your needs, and how to ensure that everyone is doing their part to ensure a quality connection. Educating and informing the general population about connectivity, how to trouble shoot their connections, and ways to maximize their own wi-fi networks is just one way that a community can help with broadband networks and the perceived quality of those networks. The community will work to determine several outreach items to include handouts, videos, social media posts, and other items to be used locally to educate and inform the public of high-speed internet connections and common connectivity issues. These materials should help consumers with understanding and selecting broadband services, how to troubleshoot common issues, and how to assess the quality of the services that they subscribe to. Community leaders will determine the most effective formats for materials and outreach, and work with a team to develop those resources. Once those resources have been created, a “blitz” style media launch should be deployed to ensure that members of the public become aware, are educated, and have access to the created materials. Working with local media outlets, utilities, public agencies, and or other local businesses, will also be a significant way to help distribute and educate the community.


To create a more informed and educated consumer by providing easy-to-understand information regarding high-speed internet (broadband) connections including but not limited to: a) troubleshooting common issues regarding speed and lost connections; b) how to verify consumers are getting what they’ve paid for; and c) when to call their provider versus the city.


  1. Identify content
  2. Develop a communications plan
  3. Determine communication types that will best meet the needs of the community
  4. Development collateral materials including, but not limited to fact sheets, website updates, utility bill inserts, video scripts, social media and blog posts, etc.
  5. Launch all communications through a "media blitz" style campaign
  6. Monitor and support community questions and develop additional materials in response to community feedback as needed

Responsible Parties

Community and business leaders; Civic leaders and organization members; Community Anchor Institutions; Local Media; Libraries; Schools; Local businesses


Town of Prosper, TX Broadband Service Improvements:


Supporting a formal, long-term community Technology Action Committee can help to sustain the implementation of the technology action plan and the growth of broadband and technology access, adoption, and use in the community. Ideally, the team will: 1) promote broadband and technology access adoption and use; 2) serve as the de facto go-to resource for broadband and technology for the community; 3) seek ways to educate and empower the community regarding broadband and technology; 4) unify the community on broadband and technology, in order to better understand and communicate broadband and technology opportunities; 5) take action on recommendations from the plan as well as others that they may find necessary and beneficial to the growth of their community.


Support and promote an empowered group of passionate and interested individuals focused on broadband and technology access, adoption, and use.


  1. Determine an interim board that will be able to provide the initial leadership and direction, set goals and objectives, structure, and meeting agendas.
  2. Begin regularly scheduled meetings, including individual broadband provider discussions, and recruit businesses and individuals to the TAC as appropriate.
  3. Create a centralized technology portal/website or other information source that promotes local technology resources for use by residents. Resources could include broadband provider identification and contact information, Technology Action Committee updates, public hotspot locations, calendars of events, online training resources, and local computer resources.

Responsible Parties

Community service organizations, Libraries, Schools, Internet Service Providers, Local and County Government, Local Businesses and Industries, Economic Development Groups, and others as needed


The Role of Community Leadership In the Development of Grassroots Innovations:

Forbes's E-Gov to Basis Points - Municipal Credit and Next-Gen Government Digital Leaders:

Diligent Insights's Municipal Boards - Best Practices for Adopting Technology:


For small businesses, an online presence and the use of social media are vital to stay competitive in the twenty-first century. A website and social media are not just for companies that have the experience, staff, or budget; any small business can tap into these resources. Training should be provided to small businesses regarding the use of websites and social media within that small business. Website topics should range from starting a basic website to more advanced topics such as e-commerce. Social media topics should include a variety of social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn., Broadband empowers small businesses to achieve operational scale more quickly by lowering start-up costs through faster business registration and improved access to customers, suppliers, and new markets. According to Connected Nation’s 2012 Jobs and Broadband Report, businesses that are using the Internet bring in approximately $300,000 more in median annual revenues than their unconnected.


Encourage small local businesses to develop websites and to use social media, e-commerce, and other advanced uses of broadband and technology.


  1. Work with the local chamber of commerce and/or libraries to expand existing programs that promote e-commerce, such as free websites and social media development, within the small businesses of the community.
  2. Partner with providers to sponsor workshops. (ISPs may be willing to sponsor events since small-business workshops will likely lead to increases broadband adoption and use).
  3. Identify regional and community partners with resources and expertise to assist the community in producing “free” website and social media workshops. 4) Schedule workshops and advertise classes via local media.

Responsible Parties

Chamber of commerce/economic development organization; Libraries; Community College; Broadband providers; IT/Technology organizations; Local SCORE representatives


The Importance of Tech for Small Businesses:


To maximize the benefits that wireless hotspots provide, a community must ensure there are a sufficient number of hotspots available, along with a published inventory of the locations of each wireless hotspot. Wireless hotspots are classified as free or available for a fee. Hotspots are often found at restaurants, train stations, airports, libraries, hotels, hospitals, coffee shops, bookstores, fuel stations, department stores, supermarkets, RV parks and campgrounds, public pay phones, and other public places. Many universities and schools have wireless networks on their campuses as well.


Expand access to broadband by increasing the number of publicly-available Wi-Fi hotspots.


  1. Develop an inventory of public Wi-Fi hotspots in the community Wi-Fi inventory
  2. Conduct an analysis to identify key areas and organizations for the expansion of local wireless hotspots
  3. The local Chamber of Commerce and tourism groups should promote the hotspots to ensure maximum visibility in the community

Responsible Parties

Community and business leaders; Civic leaders and organization members; Citizens; Local Government; Broadband Providers; Community Anchor Institutions


Mapping Community Wifi Access:

Community Wi-Fi – A Primer:

Map of Wi-Fi hotspots in Illinois:

Free Wi-Fi hotspot locator apps:


High capital investment costs, including permit processing, pole attachment costs, and lack of effective planning and coordination with public authorities, negatively impact the case for deployment. For example, the FCC’s National Broadband Plan concludes that, “the rates, terms, and conditions for access to rights-of-way [including pole attachments] significantly impact broadband deployment.” The costs associated with obtaining permits and leasing pole attachments and rights-of-way is one of the most expensive cost functions in a service provider’s plans to expand or upgrade service, especially in rural markets where the ratio of poles to households goes off the charts. Furthermore, the process is time consuming. “Make ready” work, which involves moving wires and other equipment attached to a pole to ensure proper spacing between equipment and compliance with electric and safety codes, can take months to complete., Community and provider collaboration to problem solve around local pole attachment and other right-of-way issues is one of the most effective opportunities to encourage faster, new deployment of infrastructure.


Ensure that local policies and ordinances are conducive to wired and wireless broadband build-out.


  1. Speak with providers and determine barriers they face at a local and county level
  2. Review local policies, ordinances, and other barriers to broadband deployment and consult with community leaders, providers, utilities, and other members of the community to ensure that they are supporting policies (local ordinances, pole attachments, rights-of-way) that are conducive to broadband build-out., Develop an awareness campaign targeting local government leaders to inform them of the benefits of broadband to the entire community
  3. Compare local policies to those in other communities where broadband build-out has been more successful.
  4. Continue to review best practices regarding broadband build-out policies to determine that your community remains up-to-date on its policies.

Responsible Parties

Local units of government, particular planning and zoning officials; Broadband providers; County government, particular road commissions; Utility companies and pole owners; Others with right-of-way jurisdiction


Model Codes for Municipalities from the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee:

Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment from the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and The Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs:


Many workers lack the digital skills needed to find employment in today’s marketplace. Ensuring that workers have the skills and training to tackle many of the tasks needed in the workplace will empower them and strengthen the community. For some, this training can include preparing for a job in which they telework from home part-time or full-time.


Create jobs by connecting technology training and education with remote employment opportunities.


  1. Identify legitimate, proven programs that train employee to work at remote jobs
  2. Identify the physical, financial, and technology resources needed to establish a location capable of training workers for work-at-home jobs
  3. Acquire Space to house workspace and training and support offices, as well as the equipment, such as computers and monitors for videoconferencing and training
  4. Through training and work, participants will rely heavily on local ISPs, broadband technology, and emerging IT technologies to provide services to a global marketplace, in turn fostering the demand-driven strengthening of the community’s physical Internet infrastructure
  5. Develop partnerships with companies who would provide contractual employment to program graduates.

Responsible Parties

Businesses; Business/Community organizations, (e.g., chambers of commerce, economic development corporations, associations, etc.); Social service organizations; Community colleges


Building a Telework Program:


Teleworking offers significant benefits to employers, employees, self-employed individuals, and entrepreneurs. Benefits include businesses’ infrastructure savings, emissions reduction, and congestion management. Further, teleworking can help businesses and government agencies reduce real estate, energy, and other overhead costs, using the savings to avoid job cuts or to hire new staff. Research has shown that teleworking programs can increase an employer’s productivity and enable it to continue operating without skipping a beat in the face of a natural disaster or other emergency situation that might otherwise bring business to a halt. Teleworking allows employees to lower their commuting costs, and accommodates people with disabilities, the elderly, working mothers, and rural residents who may not be in a position to work outside the home.It is unlikely that all employees will be able to telework. A good way to start is to identify types of positions or job types that can be performed remotely and initiate a trial period and track results. Get feedback from all involved regarding the benefits and challenges and fine-tune as needed.


Promote or develop flexible efficient and effective work arrangements.


  1. Establish a cross-functional project team, including labor representatives, employers, educators, and other stakeholders.
  2. Conduct assessment of teleworker and organization technology needs.
  3. Identify eligibility criteria to ensure that teleworkers are selected on an equitable basis using criteria such as suitability of tasks and employee performance.
  4. Promote the establishment of teleworking pilot programs among local employers.
  5. Develop a telework agreement template for use between teleworkers and their managers.
  6. Track changes to the teleworking needs among businesses and workers, adjusting the telework promotion to best suit your community’s current and future needs.

Responsible Parties

Businesses; Business organizations, (e.g., chambers of commerce, economic development corporations, associations, etc.); Citizens and interest groups


Building a Telework Program:


Telemedicine (or telehealth) can help to address challenges associated with living in sparsely populated areas and having to travel long distances to seek medical care—particularly for patients with chronic illnesses. It also addresses the issue of the lack of medical specialists in remote areas by awarding access to specialists in major hospitals situated in other cities, states, or countries. While telemedicine can be delivered to patient homes, it can also be implemented in partnership with local clinics, libraries, churches, schools, or businesses that have the appropriate equipment and staff to manage it. The most critical steps in promoting telemedicine are ensuring that patients and medical professionals have access to broadband service, understanding the benefitst and barriers of telemedicine, being aware of the technologies required for such a service, and understanding how to develop, deliver, use, and evaluate telemedicine services.


Identify ways to deliver improved Health care services to rural residents.


  1. Create a working group to lead the initiative.
  2. Identify the local benefits of and barriers to implementing telehealth programs among patients and Health care providers.
  3. Engage telehealth solutions providers and internet service providers to explore opportunities to addressing the identified barriers.
  4. Identify telehealth funding opportunities.
  5. Develop a plan for implementing the identified solutions and seek funding.
  6. Engage the public to build awareness for new telehealth services and assess the impact of the serivces. Adjust the implementation plan accordingly

Responsible Parties

Health Care Providers, Internet Service Providers, Public Health Agencies, Community Service Organizations, Citizens



Seven Actions Providers Can Take to Launch Telemedicine Services Successfully:

Connected Nation Michigan's Health Care from Anywhere - Telehealth Use and Perceptions in Rural Michigan:


To maximize the benefits that wireless hotspots provide, a community must ensure there are a sufficient number of hotspots available, along with a published inventory of the locations of each wireless hotspot. Wireless hotspots are classified as free or available for a fee. Hotspots are often found at restaurants, train stations, airports, libraries, hotels, hospitals, coffee shops, bookstores, fuel stations, department stores, supermarkets, RV parks and campgrounds, public pay phones, and other public places. Many universities and schools have wireless networks on their campuses as well.


Expand access to broadband by increasing the number of publicly-available Wi-Fi hotspots.


  1. Develop an inventory of public Wi-Fi hotspots in the community Wi-Fi inventory
  2. Conduct an analysis to identify key areas and organizations for the expansion of local wireless hotspots
  3. The local Chamber of Commerce and tourism groups should promote the hotspots to ensure maximum visibility in the community

Responsible Parties

Community and business leaders; Civic leaders and organization members; Citizens; Local Government; Broadband Providers; Community Anchor Institutions


Mapping Community Wifi Access:

Community Wi-Fi – A Primer:

Map of Wi-Fi hotspots in Illinois:

Free Wi-Fi hotspot locator apps:


Having a current and accurate understanding of where the need for new or enhanced broadband service exists within the community is critical to developing targeted and effective solutions. Available broadband coverage maps are helpful on a broad basis, but do not provide the granularity or validated accuracy needed to address the true demand. Address-level information gathered through the Ocean County “Connected” survey process helps refine this accuracy and provides a grass-roots level view of broadband service levels across the county. Using these data sources, further enabled by the new Oceana County Interactive Map, community leaders and broadband providers together can readily identify and prioritize geographic and more populated areas that support additional broadband improvement actions.


Identify and prioritize key geographic and populated areas throughout the county that warrant actions to improve broadband service levels.


  1. Review most recent broadband coverage maps from Connected Nation Michigan to assess estimated residential broadband coverage at various speeds across Oceana County (10 Mbps, 25 Mbps, 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps).
  2. Use the Oceana County Interactive Map to overlay broadband coverage with broadband survey data to narrow in on key areas and population centers that lack service or need improvements.
  3. Use Connected Nation Michigan’s statewide interactive map to see additional layers of broadband-related information and ability to zoom to specific areas of Oceana County for more detail.
  4. Engage with municipality leaders in identified unserved and underserved areas to gather additional input and confirm the need for broadband expansion in their communities.
  5. Engage with library directors in these areas to understand the local residential demand for use of library resources for connectivity (due to lack of at-home service).
  6. Engage with the Spectrum Healthcare ‘Digital Healthcare’ team and other healthcare organizations offering telemedicine services in Oceana County to understand the local issues surrounding the telemedicine services being offered such as the lack of access to broadband or residents difficulty navigating technology

Responsible Parties

Oceana County Technology Action Committee, Local and County Government leaders, Community Service organizations, Healthcare organizations, Libraries, Schools, Internet Service Providers, Local and County Government, Local Businesses and Industries, Economic Development Groups, and others as needed.


Oceana County Broadband Initiative – survey results:

Oceana County Interactive Map:

Connected Nation Michigan – statewide interactive map:


The federal Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) has committed nearly $10 billion to expand very high speed (100 Mbps to 1 Gbps and higher) to currently unserved and underserved rural areas across the country, with another $10 billion in reserve for future buildout. Of the $363 million that has now been committed to the state of Michigan, $1.65 million has been committed to Oceana County exclusively, which will be combined with direct investments from the broadband providers who will receive these funds. This primarily fiber-based buildout will take place over the next 5-6 years and will have a major impact on the economic, educational and personal effectiveness of Oceana County residents and businesses. Establishing a strong working relationship with these “winning” broadband providers and helping support their fiber deployment efforts will be critical to making these commitments a reality for the county.


Identify and understand the prioritize key geographic and populated areas throughout the county that warrant actions to improve broadband service levels.


  1. Review most recent broadband coverage maps from Connected Nation Michigan to assess estimated residential broadband coverage at various speeds across Oceana County (10 Mbps, 25 Mbps, 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps).
  2. Use the Oceana County Interactive Map to overlay broadband coverage with broadband survey data to narrow in on key areas and population centers that lack service or need improvements.
  3. Use Connected Nation Michigan’s statewide interactive map to see additional layers of broadband-related information and ability to zoom to specific areas of Oceana County for more detail.
  4. Engage with municipality leaders in identified unserved and underserved areas to gather additional input and confirm the need for broadband expansion in their communities.
  5. Engage with library directors in these areas to understand the local residential demand for use of library resources for connectivity (due to lack of at-home service).
  6. Engage with the Spectrum Healthcare ‘Digital Healthcare’ team and other healthcare organizations offering telemedicine services in Oceana County to understand the local issues surrounding the telemedicine services being offered such as the lack of access to broadband or residents difficulty navigating technology

Responsible Parties

Oceana County Technology Action Committee, Local and County Government leaders, Community Service organizations, Libraries, Schools, Internet Service Providers, Local and County Government, Local Businesses and Industries, Economic Development Groups, and others as needed.


Oceana County Broadband Initiative – survey results:

Oceana County Interactive Map:

Connected Nation Michigan – statewide interactive map:


Engage with Great Lake Energy Cooperative/Truestream and local broadband providers to perform an analysis of unserved areas to understand local assets and any barriers to broadband deployment. The local team should solicit feedback from residents of the unserved/underserved area regarding their needs and issues to date with security connectivity.


Determine the reasons why some areas of the community remain unserved, determine the feasibility of deploying various broadband technologies in the defined area, and assess the business case for deployment.


  1. Identify incumbent or nearby broadband providers in targeted areas and arrange meetings to understand current issues and plans for potential deployment in those areas.
  2. Assess the feasibility and use of various broadband technologies and implementation approaches as potential solutions for broadband deployment in these areas.
  3. Explore potential partnerships between affected municipalities, community organizations, economic development groups and broadband providers to help eliminate barriers to broadband expansion in these targeted areas.
  4. Explore and evaluate funding sources that could support broadband efforts and solutions in these targeted areas (local, state, federal).

Responsible Parties

Oceana County Technology Action Committee, Local and County Government leaders, Community Service organizations, Healthcare organizations, Libraries, Schools, Internet Service Providers, Local and County Government, Local Businesses and Industries, Economic Development Groups, and others as needed.


Great Lakes Energy Cooperative/Truestream status map:

Fiber to the Home Council toolkit for communities looking to expand broadband infrastructure:


Public-private partnerships take many forms, limited only by the imagination and legal framework in which the municipality operates. Some communities issue municipal bonds to fund construction of a network, which they lease to private carriers, with the lease payments covering the debt service. Others create non-profit organizations to develop networks in collaboration with private carriers or provide seed investment to jump start construction of networks that the private sector is unable to cost-justify on its own. A public-private partnership should not be simply seen as a method of financing. The strength of these partnerships is that each party brings something important to the table that the other doesn’t have or can’t easily acquire. The community can offer infrastructure (publicly owned building rooftops, light poles, towers, and other vertical assets for mounting infrastructure) for the deployment of a network, as well as committed anchor tenants. Private-sector partners bring network-building and operations experience.


Leverage existing community assets in partnership with private sector carriers to expand broadband network deployment.


  1. Determine Priorities: Competition, enhanced service, equity and service to all, public control over infrastructure, risk avoidance, redundancy, etc.
  2. Consider different models of partnership:

    Model 1: Private Investment, Public Facilitation: Make available public assets like fiber and conduit, share geographic information systems data, streamline permitting and inspection processes, offer economic development incentives to attract private broadband investment.

    Model 2: Private Execution, Public Funding: Identify revenue streams that can be directed to a private partner, issue RFP for private turnkey execution.

    Model 3: Shared Investment and Risk: Evaluate using assets to attract private investment, evaluate funding new assets to attract private investment, evaluate building new fiber assets to businesses and/or homes for leasing to private ISPs.

  3. Understand key legal considerations for localities looking to build a broadband partnership: Review authority issues, understand the legal tools and instruments that could shape the partnership, negotiate the agreement.

Responsible Parties

Oceana County Technology Action Committee, Local Units of Government; Broadband Providers; Community Anchor Institutions; Local Businesses, and others as appropriate.


Broadband USA's Introduction to Effective Public-Private Partnerships for Broadband Investments:

United States Department of Agriculture:


One of the key findings from the Oceana County Broadband Survey effort was that the average download speeds for Oceana County agricultural businesses and public safety facilities were significantly lower than those same groups in other communities/counties that have participated in these Connected Nation surveys. This recognition may be due to an overall lack of broadband infrastructure (bandwidth, capacity) supporting these groups combined with the ever-increasing demand for service from these groups. Taking steps to plan and increase these download (and upload) speeds over time will help reduce exposure to future constraints as traffic continues to grow.


Provide sufficient speeds and bandwidth for agricultural businesses and public safety offices to support the needs of workers and county residents.


  1. Conduct a more thorough analysis of the Agricultural and Public Safety broadband survey results to understand the scope and impact of this issue.
  2. Solicit additional input from Agricultural businesses and Public Safety organizations regarding their broadband service satisfaction level and need for faster speeds.
  3. Identify providers of broadband service for Agricultural businesses and Public Safety organizations to discuss survey findings, satisfaction levels and any planned or potential actions that could address this need.
  4. Work with incumbent broadband providers to raise awareness of the issue of download speeds to agricultural businesses and public safety facilities and address these needs through future expansion projects.

Responsible Parties

Oceana County Technology Action Committee, Agricultural business leaders, Municipal and County Public Safety organizations, Local Broadband Providers.


Oceana County Broadband Initiative – survey results:

Oceana Interactive Map:

Connected Nation Michigan – statewide interactive map:


Beyond the availability of physical infrastructure and getting access to fast broadband service, one of the other major barriers to closing the Digital Divide and getting residents connected is the cost of service. To help address that, several national broadband providers (Charter, Comcast, AT&T) offer a discounted but still high-speed broadband service to qualifying low-income families that reside in that provider’s service area. Additionally, Congress has recently passed the Emergency Broadband Benefit program, which provides a $50/month subsidy toward broadband service fee for qualifying low-income families. Making these programs, along with the federal Lifeline program, more visible and available to qualifying households in Oceana County can help get more residents connected and engaged in today’s economy.


Help overcome the cost barrier to broadband adoption for low-income and other vulnerable residents.


  1. Conduct an awareness campaign to promote the availability and use of these discounted/subsidized broadband programs to targeted, low-income families.

Responsible Parties

Oceana County Technology Action Committee, County Libraries, Local Service organizations, Participating Broadband Providers; Connected Nation Michigan


Emergency Broadband Benefit Program:,

AT&T’s “Access” Program:

Charter/Spectrum’s “Spectrum Assist” program:

Comcast’s “Internet Essentials” program: