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Michigan Flipped Hero

Newaygo County Michigan


The Newaygo County, MI Broadband Team has completed its community technology assessment. The results of the assessment can be found by clicking the symbol for the sections below. Here you can find survey results, infrastructure assessments, and recommended actions the community can implement to improve the broadband and technology ecosystem at a local level.



Connected Survey Results

Connected Infrastructure in Newaygo County, Michigan

Broadband access refers to the infrastructure that enables a high-speed internet connection. There are two primary types of broadband connections: fixed and mobile.

Fixed broadband is delivered to a user via several technology platforms including cable, digital subscriber line (DSL) over phone lines, fiber optics, and fixed wireless. Fixed broadband is designed for stationary use at a fixed location such as a home, business, or institution. From one location, however, fixed broadband service is often broadcast as a Wi-Fi network to connect nearby devices.

The following map shows where broadband is available in the community.

Recommended Actions


Unfortunately, local community policies and a lack of local coordination are often major hurdles to broadband providers, as they work to expand their networks and advance access to broadband services. This solution seeks to streamline this process, by eliminating unnecessary policies, consolidating information, and appointing a single point of contact that can ensure that the community is working as efficiently as possible with providers and gaining access to the networks and services that are needed. All community stakeholders, local governing bodies, agencies, utilities, etc. should meet and identify all of the local policies, regulations, and permits required of a telecommunications provider. These disparate elements should be organized into a set of requirements, and a website established with all necessary forms available electronically and capable to be electronically signed. This group will also appoint a single point of contact (SPOC) for all telecommunications infrastructure development projects. This individual be the community liaison with providers and assist both the community and the provider through any necessary communications and working through any necessary issues As a commitment to this process, the local governing body/s should pass language that requires the agreed-upon times for responses to provider outreach, permit approval times, and authorizes the SPOC.


Provide a framework through which a community can demonstrate that they are a “Digital Ready Community” that has streamlined policies, cleared barriers, and is committed to making broadband infrastructure deployment in the community a priority. Benefits: 1. Provides the community with the opportunity to identify their requirements and make it easier for the community to assist and work with a provider who seeks to expand services. 2. Gives providers a centralized location to identify necessary regulations, and the opportunity to work with a local jurisdiction to address those regulations in an effective manner. 3. Through the Community Broadband POC, a liaison is established through whom providers and the community can more easily work with one another, and cuts down on the opportunity for poor communication.


  1. Conduct an initial meeting of involved parties, with a request that any needs/concerns they have related to broadband be brought to this formative meeting.
  2. Hold a second meeting of this group and others who were identified during the first meeting to review the local regulations and requirements and to discuss any new requirements that may have been thought of.
  3. Hold a 3rd meeting to review the final list of local regulations and ensure that the responsible bodies have the necessary action items to amend those requirements/policies and to identify the Community Broadband POC candidates.
  4. Pass the necessary language in the governing bodies to amend any necessary regulations or policies, as well as authorizing the SPOC according to local law.
  5. Publish the list of requirements along with the necessary electronic documentation as well as the contact information for the SPOC.
  6. Promote the Digital Ready Community site and SPOC, and apply for Certification by completing the application and submitting all necessary documentation

Responsible Parties

Local government, utilities, planning commissions, zoning boards, other right-of-way managers, etc


Model Ordinances/Resolutions from various states:

MN Telecommuter Forward:

Tennessee Broadband Ready:

Georgia Broadband Ready: