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Today Deadline for Expressions of Interest in FCC Rural Broadband Experiments program

Today marks the deadline for interested parties to file non-binding expressions of interest in the Rural Broadband Experiments (RBE) program first announced last month by the FCC.

The program, which is spurring widespread interest with already dozens if not hundreds of submissions on the record, seeks funding proposals for projects to connect areas across the country that lack broadband access. The program hopes to incentivize deployment of “scalable” broadband networks in communities without ubiquitous broadband at speeds of at least 3 Mbps down/768 kbps up.

This new funding program, which could be as large as $230 million, has drawn the attention of numerous stakeholders across the nation; a Connected Nation informational webinar about the RBE drew more than 375 participants, and Connected Nation has received hundreds of requests for further information about the program.

To view the Connected Nation informational webinar, click here; to see Connected Nation’s summary presentation and policy brief on the RBE, click here and here.
