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The brave new telework economy

Bowling Green, Ky. (October 30, 2024) - Remote work is changing how capitalism operates. It's changing it a lot, fast, and mostly for the better. Everyone is dimly aware of this by now, but few are even beginning to understand the ramifications. We need to. It's time to start really wrapping our heads around the brave new economy of the teleworking future.

To that end, this essay channels the rich thought and findings of many scholars who assembled in San Francisco from October 9 through 11 for a Hoover Institution conference full of cutting-edge research about remote work, the third of its kind. Their findings mostly showed data (empirics) and efforts to make sense of it (theory), mostly on economics but with some other disciplines like management represented, and mostly focused on developed countries like the United States and large European nations, with some researchers and results from the developing world, notably Latin America.

Some downsides of and misgivings about mass telework came up, but in general, the research findings were positive and optimistic. It's a wakeup call to just how good a thing it is that many of us can now work from anywhere, and how much brighter the future of humanity is because of it.

Read the full article article from Connected Nation, Director, Economics and Policy by clicking the link below!