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Texas Broadband Task Force Gets Preview of Major Unveilings

Connected Texas is getting ready for some big milestones!

 src= of the Texas Broadband Task Force were treated to previews last week of several major unveilings from the initiative.

In the next month, Connected Texas will be releasing:

  • A new interactive mapping and data tool called MyConnectView. The web-based application will offer unmatched views of the Texas technology landscape.
  • The new Every Community Online (ECO) program and web portal. ECO involves a partnership with the Texas State Library and Intel. The program will teach digital literacy across the state and offer participants discounted options to adopt broadband service. Some participants will also be eligible for free computer giveaways.
  • The new Connected Texas Business Survey results. The assessment will clarify the ways in which broadband is impacting the Texas economy.

In addition to the exciting previews, Task Force members were also privy to presentations by three of the state’s BIP/BTOP project awardees. John Bradford of Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Jimmy Driess of Hill Country Telephone, and Steven Steele of Peoples Telephone all briefed members on how their current broadband projects are impacting and improving the state’s technology landscape.

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