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Tech Firms Often Neglect the Unique Needs of Seniors

The Washington Post recently published a thought-provoking article on the plight senior citizens face trying to keep up with the pace of technology. An excerpt from the story is below:


Rapidly changing technology places everyone on a constant learning curve. This poses a particular challenge for seniors.

Americans older than 65 now number 40 million — that’s roughly 13 percent of our population.

REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_OPENING_IMAGE_TAG alt="" src="" style="width: 200px; height: 172px; margin: 5px; float: left;" title="">The U.S. Census Bureau says that 11 million are older than 80. Very few of them are going to learn to use the innovative and intuitive devices younger consumers can’t seem to live without. Shockingly, few companies are providing pragmatic technologies to aid these 40 million people in their lives.

There will be 60 million of them once the youngest crosses the 65-year-old line. Isn’t that a market big enough to serve?

To check out the full article, please click here!
