Maps of Proposed Connect America Fund, Phase I, Broadband Upgrades
Today, Connected Nation unveils a set of maps of the areas that broadband providers have proposed to receive subsidies to upgrade to broadband, as part of the FCC’s Connect America Fund Phase I.
In May 2013, the FCC made available to certain broadband providers up to $485 million in one-time subsidies to build-out broadband to areas that currently do not have access to fixed broadband at speeds of 3 Mbps download/768 kbps upload. In August, these service providers filed lists of areas in which they propose to build out broadband using these one-time subsidies. These filings were based on the broadband mapping data collected by Connected Nation in various states in our June 2012 mapping cycle.
The maps show the areas in the states that Connected Nation maps where broadband providers such as AT&T, CenturyLink, Windstream, and Frontier, have proposed to use these subsidies to upgrade their networks. The FCC is currently asking the public to comment on whether the areas listed by these providers do not in fact have access to fixed broadband at speeds of 3 Mbps download/768 kbps upload. Any member of the public may provide evidence and data to the FCC disputing whether the areas denoted in the maps have that level of fixed broadband service. Any such comments must be filed before the FCC before September 27, 2013.
Want to learn more? Download our Policy Briefs on the Connect America Fund, which will provide information and links to the FCC orders, provider submissions, and the FCC broadband mapping review process. If you have any questions about the FCC Connect America Fund process, you may contact us at