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How to honor Veterans in your community and beyond

"Let us remember the service of our Veterans and let us renew our National promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we live free." - Dan Lipinsk

Fort Campbell, Kentucky (November 10, 2023) — Veterans Day 2023 will be observed on Friday, November 10, to honor all who have served in the U.S. military to protect our country. All veterans are deserving of our respect and gratitude. Each year, the Office of Veteran Affairs selects a theme, and this year’s theme is “Service.”

Veterans Day, originally called Armistice Day, was first celebrated on November 11, 1918, to mark the end of World War I. In 1954, U.S. Congress replaced the word “armistice” with “veteran” to honor American veterans in both wartime and peacetime. The holiday changed days/dates in the ’60s and early ’70s, but returned to the original date of November 11 in 1975, where it has remained moving forward.

There are many ways to honor veterans in your community and beyond:

  • Write a letter to a veteran. This can be done on your own by contacting veteran-service organizations like the USO, or through nonprofit organizations that deliver to vets, such as This is their fourth year collecting and distributing holiday cards to veterans in hospice care as part of their annual project, Operation Holiday Salute.
  • Support a veteran-owned business. Many businesses will self-identify. Ask your network to share the names of veteran-owned businesses in your community and buy their product or service.
  • Donate time and resources to veteran-service organizations. Identify organizations in your community, and volunteer your time and/or financial support.
  • Treat a veteran you know. Purchase a cup of coffee or a meal and be specific in your gratitude by thanking them for their bravery and sacrifice.
  • Honor a veteran. Invite a veteran to be a guest speaker or a guest of honor for community activities. Listen when they share their stories!

Take the time to connect with veterans in your community, express your gratitude in words, actions, and support, and be intentional about recognizing the purpose of the Veterans Day federal holiday.

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