Empowering tomorrow’s innovators: A look into Connected Nation’s Teens Teach Tech, powered by AT&T
Empowering tomorrow’s innovators: A look into Connected Nation’s Teens Teach Tech, powered by AT&T
Teens Teach Tech, powered by AT&T has already impacted the lives of thousands of learners and teens over the last year. The program focuses on increasing the digital skills of those who need it most while empowering teens to learn leadership skills and share their technological expertise.
Mentors in 16 states have formed teams of teenagers who are willing to go above and beyond for older adults and others in their communities who lack basic digital literacy. The teams have taught topics including: computer basics, internet basics, email basics, mobile device basics, cybersecurity and videoconferencing. Skills were taught in a variety of formats, with creativity in their approaches reigning supreme. No project has been the same.
To get an idea of the impact the program has made thus far, take a look at the numbers below!
· Number of teams – 33
· Number of learner surveys completed– 8,401
· Number of trainings to date – 323
· Number of states visited – 16
Below are a few comments shared by the mentors who have been guiding these groups of teenagers throughout their journeys.
“Our virtual event was awesome. There were learners from several states. The ages ranged from 25 to 86 years old. The teens are growing in so many ways. It’s amazing to hear older learners say they are texting for the first time now. Connected Nation is making a difference for so many people, and we’re proud to be a part of this life-altering experience for both learners and the teens.”
Allen Bolton, mentor for WeCare in Muskegon, Michigan.
“The teens were prepared and able to answer many questions from the group. Most of our adults were seniors who were very appreciative of the teen’s knowledge! The subject of cybersecurity brought out many questions from our group. One of our ladies took copious notes and asked many questions. Later, she informed me that she has never used her laptop because it was always a bit too complex for her. Now, she may make the effort to try it out.”
Jennifer Massey, mentor for F.R.I.E.N.D.S. in Clarksville, Tennessee.
“A group of military adults gathered to be taught about cybersecurity basics. The group expressed how many of the ideas taught were new, and they were pleased with lesson.”
Karrisa Poe, mentor for TechKnow Teens in Fort Campbell, Kentucky
“We have a large population where English is not spoken in the home, which creates a digital barrier for parent involvement. The students of the Hispanic Organization Promoting Education (HoPe) club and Science Club taught parents how to open and use, as well as ensure a web browser was secure, before showing them how to log on and navigate Aspen and Schoology (our school's Family Portal and Learning Management System) so they could learn how to check their child's grades and assignments.”
Amanda Barrett, mentor for Hope & Science in Marietta, Georgia.
“The teens trained the members of the Kiwanis Club in Monrovia. The members expressed their appreciation for the training and told the teens how surprised they were to learn some new security basics, which they thought they already knew.”
Calvin Sov, mentor for MS-JS in Monrovia, California.
Teens Teach Tech, powered by AT&T is continuing to gain momentum, adding new teams in new states every week. Teens are gaining leadership skills, adding community service to their resumes, and learning they do have what it takes to be successful in the future.
This innovative mentorship program is a perfect service project for STEM and science students, after-school clubs, sports teams, JROTC, teen leadership clubs, youth groups, and so much more. If you know a teen who would love to be a part of this program, visit: https://connectednation.org/programs/teens-teach-tech to learn more. And be sure to follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on what our current teams are doing.