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Digital Inclusion Conference Coming to Austin

We’re less than two weeks away from the Digital Inclusion in Texas Conference and Colloquium!

Connected Texas is co-hosting the Digital Inclusion in Texas Conference and Colloquium for providers, decision makers, and people interested in best practices and public policy around digital inclusion across the state.

The planned agenda for the event is available for download. The day-and-a-half summit promises nearly two-dozen speakers and presenters at the University of Texas at Austin.

Registration is going on now. The fee of $50 includes coffee and lunch both days and a reception on Friday, April 26. The Conference will be held April 26-27, 2013.

REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_OPENING_IMAGE_TAG alt="" src="" style="width: 125px; height: 126px; margin: 5px; float: left;" title="">Other summit sponsors include Texas Connects Coalition, The Technology and Public Policy Program at the LBJ School of Public Affairs - UT Austin, and the Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute, UT Austin.

Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook for the very latest news on broadband access, adoption, and use across the state. And make sure to watch our blog and social media channels for news from the conference and colloquium using Twitter with hash tag #TXBroadband.
