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Connected Nation’s sustainable broadband adoption programs highlighted in Intel whitepaper

Recently, Intel published a whitepaper, “Investing in Sustainable Broadband Adoption,” highlighting Connected Nation’s partnership with Intel and other technology stalwarts in an innovative program called Every Citizen Online (SM).

Every Citizen Online (SM) is a public-private initiative intended to help low-income individuals purchase a new broadband-enabled computer using an instant rebate, bundled with a year of discounted broadband service. On Aug. 13, Connected Nation announced its plans to seek federal broadband stimulus dollars to help fund the program.

The whitepaper also notes Connected Nation’s success in using a public-private partnership model to help close the vast broadband adoption gaps that exist in the United States.

From Intel’s
“The paper explores a proposed public-private solution to close this vast adoption gap by utilizing stimulus funds for a PC-broadband bundle program targeted to low-income and other unconnected households.

The proposed program focuses on first-time residential broadband users by reducing the cost of both elements of a connected PC: the upfront equipment cost (of a full featured notebook or desktop) and the initial subscription cost for broadband service -- supported by community-based digital literacy training.

Intel believes that this type of strategic public-private partnership, supported by local community involvement, will help bridge the digital divide in the U.S. and, consequently, help boost our nation's economy and competitiveness over the long-term.”

To read Intel’s entire blog post, click

Related information:

In the News:
Intel, Dell Join Nonprofit To Bring Cheap Internet Service to Poor (Wall Street Journal, Aug. 12, 2009)
About: Every Citizen Online (SM)
Whitepaper: Investing in Sustainable Broadband Adoption (PDF)