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Connected Nation returns to Malaysia

Tom Koutsky, chief policy counsel of Connected Nation, will participate in the 13th MSC Malaysia International Advisory Panel (IAP) Meeting, held in Putrajava, Malaysia on October 7. CN’s Brian Mefford is serving a two-year term on the Prime Minister’s IAP and was a featured panelist at the 12th annual meeting.

The meeting, “Global Strength Assembled For The Nation's Global ICT Aspirations,” will feature a group of leading industry figures, academicians, top members of international think tanks, CEOs and international experts who will provide counsel to the Malaysian Government in shaping the development and growth of Malaysia’s Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC Malaysia) and the ICT industry at large.

"Broadband technology can democraticize the spread of knowledge and will play a key role in Malaysia's ambitious plan to transform their economy by 2020," Koutsky said. "I am honored to share with the Malaysian Prime Minister our views on the importance of connecting community institutions like schools and health centers to next-generation broadband and the role public-private partnerships can play in boosting adoption and deployment."

To learn more about the panel, visit

And, check back later this week for Koutsky’s thoughts on this international meeting and what it means for the work of Connected Nation.