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Connected Nation Hosts More Than 300 State Leaders for Broadband Stimulus Webinar

With the recent announcement of the availability of $4 billion in broadband stimulus funds, Connected Nation is moving forward its efforts to inform states about how to increase their broadband availability and adoption rates.

On Monday, July 6, Connected Nation, along with the Alliance for Digital Equality, the American Farm Bureau Federation, Communications Workers of America (CWA) and The National Grange, hosted a free webinar for Governors’ staff and state CIOs, CTOs and broadband officials.

More than 300 people, representing all 50 states and some U.S. territories, attended the webinar, titled “What States Need to Know: How to Capitalize on Broadband Stimulus Funds Across Urban and Rural Areas.”

During the presentation, Connected Nation staff outlined the basic funding guidelines for each broadband stimulus program, the dates for filing applications, definitions outlined in the notice and the evaluation criteria for different projects. The webinar concluded with a question and answer period.

For information about how Connected Nation can help your state expand broadband, e-mail at To view the webinar press release, click