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Computers 4 Kids Delivers Computers to Foster Children in Tennessee

Connected Nation’s efforts in TN are bringing together the public and private sectors to engage in meaningful efforts that are having a real impact on digital inclusion. Since the launch of Connected TN home computer ownership in previously underserved areas has grown by 10% while broadband adoption has grown by a very impressive 37% in rural areas specifically. These data are most impressive when we see how they translate to the lives of real people.

I would like to invite you to watch an inspiring video about “Computers 4 Kids,” a program just launched by Connected Tennessee. You will hear the story of Lotez Holloway, a foster care child who has been in six homes in five years, but retains his enthusiasm and drive for educational excellence. “At school these days, basically you need a computer to get along,” says Lotez. “It’s like your pencil now.”

Through the Computers 4 Kids program (an extension of “No Child Left Offline”), Connected Tennessee and its partners are placing computers in the homes of underprivileged children. Why are we doing this? Simple. In order to excel in school, students need a broadband-enabled computer at home, regardless of where that home happens to be.

We congratulate Lotez for his high aspirations and we look forward to continuing to work with you to enable countless other similar possibilities across our increasingly connected nation.

All the Best…