CN’s National Policy Director Outlines the Best Practices for Closing Broadband Adoption Gaps
On Monday, Philip Brown, Connected Nation’s national policy director, was part of a roundtable session, “Increasing Demand: Best Practices for Closing the Broadband Adoption Gap,” during the TPS: Broadband Innovation conference in
“Connected Nation was a sponsor of the Tech Policy Summit this year and was honored to share our insight into the ways Connected Nation and its programs have successfully and dramatically helped to increase broadband adoption rates. Our in-depth research, local grassroots approach to demand creation, and Computers 4 Kids program were all highlighted, along with the work of OneEconomy and The Children’s Partnership, as effective tactics for increasing sustainable broadband adoption, particularly among at-risk populations,” he said.
The roundtable also featured Alan Greenlee of One Economy, Elaine Carpenter of The Children’s Partnership and Gary Bolles of Xigi, with Professor Allen Hammond of the BroadBand Institute of California serving as moderator.
The TPS: Broadband Innovation conference was held prior to the third annual Tech Policy Summit, held this week, May 11-13.
What others are saying:
--Diane Wells, manager of the state’s telecommunication division in the