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Broadband Map Launched in Puerto Rico

San Juan, PR — Puerto Rico launched its first island-wide broadband availability map. The web-based map gives a preliminary view of the broadband landscape in Puerto Rico. Through an application called BroadbandStat, the map is fully interactive and puts powerful tools and information directly into the hands of anyone interested in knowing what services are available and where the opportunities for expansion exist.

Puerto Rico Chief Information Officer Juan Rodríguez says his aim is to achieve 60% broadband adoption by 2012. “As the broadband highway continues to be built, we need to foster broadband adoption to create demand,” he says in an exclusive interview with Caribbean Business magazine. But first, he says, “…we need to know where we are in terms of infrastructure availability, and then we can reach out to the citizens who don’t see the value of the Internet…”(Caribbean Business, Gina M. Hernandez, 09/16/2010)

REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_OPENING_IMAGE_TAG style="MARGIN: 0px 10px 10px 0px; WIDTH: 320px; FLOAT: left; HEIGHT: 201px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5520532220974646306" border="0" alt="" src="/sites/default/files/blog/broadband-map-launched-in-puerto-rico/PR_Island_Broadband2.jpg">The goal for the initiative is to increase broadband availability and adoption across the island and link every community in Puerto Rico to economic opportunity.

The Connect Puerto Rico website featuring BroadbandStat is available in both Spanish and English versions at (English) and (Spanish).

Related Link:
Caribbean Business Editorial