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HARBOR, Inc. Launches Digital Training

Harbor Springs area residents and businesses can now benefit from classes in social media, digital marketing, and other broadband related communication skills through HarborActive, a training program announced today by a collaboration formed through HARBOR, Inc., a Certified Connected community in Connect Michigan's Connected Community Engagement Program.

HarborActive grew out of initial work by HARBOR, Inc. Executive Director Rachel Smolinski and Marcie Wolf of Abuzz Creative, a digital marketing firm based in Northern Michigan.  A collaboration of organizations including the Harbor Springs Library, Harbor Springs Area Chamber of Commerce and Cheboygan-based AirNorth CyberBand are working together to offer the instructional program.

"HarborActive is the exciting result of organizations in our area working together to cross the digital divide," said Smolinski.  "We want to make it easy for everyone in the Harbor Springs area to get hands-on solutions to the most pressing digital communication issues."

"Social media is transforming the way we communicate and ultimately do business," said Wolf.  "As a trainer, I will share tips and tactics with the business community through interactive, hands-on sessions.  Business people will learn how to skillfully communicate and market their companies through social media."

HarborActive classes will generally be 90-minute sessions offered at the Harbor Springs Library with the first session on How to Tweet Like a Pro on January 21st.  Topics covered in future classes will include social media trends, Facebook, sales, and reputation management through digital media.

"HarborActive will be a great source of interactive training for businesses, seniors, parents and others needing assistance," said Smolinski.  "The program fits well with other work that HARBOR, Inc. has been doing to bring both digital connectivity and capability to our area, including working with a statewide broadband support initiative through Connect Michigan."

Additional information and online registration for HarborActive classes is available at HarborActive at or by calling HARBOR, Inc. at 231-526-5060.