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Roscommon County, MI

Roscommon County, MI – Connect Michigan applauds the efforts of Roscommon County for achieving certification under Connected Nation’s Connected Community Engagement Program.

Results from a community technology assessment, undertaken by the county, along with strategies for broadband expansion, were released today in the County Commission chambers in Roscommon.

Roscommon County has gone through an extensive assessment of its overall broadband and technology infrastructure. The Roscommon County Technology Action Plan sets general community-wide broadband connectivity goals to work toward that will support economic development and residential quality of life enhancements.

“Increasing broadband adoption and use in Roscommon County will assist our residents, students and businesses to participate in our ever expanding global environment,” said Rosalie Meyer, executive coordinator, Roscommon County Economic Development Corporation.

The Connected Community Engagement Program, facilitated by Connect Michigan, supports the development of a comprehensive strategy for building a “connected” community by reviewing the technology landscape, developing regional partnerships, establishing local teams, and conducting a thorough community technology assessment.

To obtain Connected certification, Roscommon County had to meet certain benchmark scores in the areas of broadband access, adoption, and use based on the National Broadband Plan that demonstrate it is a technologically advanced community.

“Beginning in 1998 when our first network went into our library I have seen the need for closing the digital divide, and it only took 15 years to realize that dream,” said Kim Frazho, technology coordinator/trainer, Houghton Lake Public Library

“I am very excited that our county has been able to come together and complete this project in such a short amount of time. It is proof that when we join forces we can accomplish much”.

Roscommon County’s top goals from the new plan are to develop a digital literacy and low‐cost broadband program, develop programs supporting schools’ technology initiatives, host website and social media classes for local businesses, and identify, map, and validate broadband demand to develop a business case for further expansion broadband in the county.

The new plan gives the community step-by-step action items to make sure that the goals are met. The plan will also support future broadband expansion and programs that will ensure the community maintains widespread Internet access, adoption, and use.

Other Michigan communities and organizations working to gain certification through this program include the Eastern Upper Peninsula Regional Planning and Development Commission; the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission; and the counties of Barry, Clare, Delta, Gladwin, Livingston, Marquette, Mecosta, Osceola, Oscoda, St. Clair, and Wexford.

Last summer, Charlevoix County became the first certified Connected community in the nation.