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Broadband Task Force: Tackling Alaska’s Big Issues

(August 29, 2011) - Alaska’s Broadband Task Force is feeling a surge of energy on the heels of its meeting Friday in Anchorage. The event closed a productive three-day visit to the state by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski.


Sen. Begich, FCC Chairman, and Task Force in round table discussion

The regular meeting of task force members kicked off in a captivating round table discussion with Alaska’s Senator Mark Begich and the FCC Chairman. Lead by Task Force Chairman Bill Popp, the group spent more than an hour discussing USF reform and its potentially significant impact on the state.


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FCC Chairman with USDA and Connected Nation

Beyond policy issues, the Broadband Task Force is embracing an exciting new Community Engagement Toolkit produced by the Connect Alaska initiative. The toolkit will be rolled out over the course of the next month and will provide community-focused organizations with a set of tools and procedures to assess and address broadband access, adoption, and use.

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Sen. Begich and FCC meet with Alaska Broadband Task Force

The new Community Engagement Toolkit comes just as the Task Force is focusing on what research and information still needs to be gathered to continue building the best broadband expansion plan for the state. A new website will help in forming that plan by expanding public engagement in the process. The Broadband Task Force is set to launch its new website next month which is being designed and hosted by the University of Alaska.

By Jeremy Thacker, Communications Specialist, Connect Alaska