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Grants strategy & implementation

For near 25 years, Connected Nation has championed broadband investment to close the Digital Divide. Now, with the most generous federal funding ever on its way through the BEAD Program, the goal is near.

State broadband offices are in the driver's seat. But they have a hard road ahead. Connected Nation helps SBO's and other state, local, and regional leaders navigate this process and make the most of funding opportunities. 

Learn how more about Connected Nation's Grants Strategy and Implementation services can help states. 

How Connected Nation can help

Our state planning efforts take a state-specific approach, combining broadband expertise, data analysis and assessment, and meaningful engagement to support communities in their work to expand broadband adoption, access, and use. Click the below boxes to learn more 

...for efficient use of resources and maximum impact of designated funds. ensure funds are being used appropriately and all federal and local requirements and statutes are being met. document and verify broadband deployments and improve map accuracy and reliability.

Connect with one of our broadband strategy experts

Connected Nation's scope of work - 2001 to 2024

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